- Summer 2018 Undergraduate Research
This summer, Annalisa Huckaby (West Virginia University Undergraduate Student and SURE fellow) and Gage Pyles (West Liberty University undergraduate student and INBRE fellow) worked in the laboratory […]
- The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation awards the Barbier lab a Research Award
West Virginia University just published a press release on a new award from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to the Barbier Lab. The funds will be used to develop a multivalent vaccine against the […]
- Van Liere 2018
This year, the five graduate students from the Damron and Barbier laboratories presented their work at the Van Liere Research Symposium. Emel Sen-Kilic’s work was featured as an oral […]
- Pittsburgh Bacterial Pathogenesis 2018
Emel Sen-Kilic, Dylan Boehm, and Ting Wong showcased the work from the laboratory as oral presentations and posters at the 2018 Pittsburgh Bacterial Pathogenesis Meeting. […]